More comming soon…
Week 01
- Import and analyze geometry.
- Splitting geometry into sim and non sim areas.
- Further organizing the bridge into fracture areas, deformable metal and rigid metal.
- Fracturing the road with the boolean method.
- Using booleans to prepare the geometry so that it is appropriate for bullet simulation.
- Using voronoi fracture method for the deformable metal.
- Using soft constraints with plasticity.
- Combining animated and simulated geometry with the ‘active’ and ‘animated’ attributes.
- Caching bullet sims efficiently.
- Deforming high-res geometry with low-res simulated geometry.
Week 02
- Creating simple proxy geometry.
- Using hard constraints.
- Using the guided sim workflow.
- Creating appropriate geometry for a Vellum sim.
- Configuring animated pin constraints.
- Varying the strength of breakable constraints over time.
- Using time scale and drag to create a sense of scale.
Week 03
- Importing and organizing the car models.
- Creating groups for the wheels and the bodies.
- Using the new ‘scatteralign’ and ‘attribfrompieces’ SOPs to scatter the cars onto the road.
- Procedurally remove intersecting cars.
- Simple bullet sim to provide a more interesting layout.
- Using soft constraints and cone twist constraints for a simple suspension system.
- Hacking the ‘rbdbulletsolver’ SOP to configure the cone twist constraints.
Week 04
- Creating a source for a POP sim with the ‘debrissource’ SOP.
- Simple POP simulation for the particle debris.
- Setting up a source for a Pyro sim.
- Culling geometry based on speed.
- Using the rest attribute to apply noise to animated geometry.
- Adding detail to a Pyro sim with disturbance and turbulence.
- Using a POP sim and a bullet sim as sources for Pyro sims.
Week 05
- Importing materials and cameras.
- Setting HDR and distant lights.
- Setting motion blur using velocity.
- Setting DOF.
- Randomizing colour instances.
- Rendering with Arnold.
- Compositing with Nuke.
Week 01
- Using the Boolean system to create interesting fracture pieces.
- Making the sim more efficient by deleting pieces that are inside the geometry.
- Manually creating clusters with constraints.
- Creating proxy geometry with the 'Convex Decomposition' node.
- Using the active attribute to fix the borders of the geometry.
- Creating bombs and a shockwave with Metaballs.
- Using velocity to set up a debris source.
- Setting up a simple Pyro simulation.
Week 02
- Using the 'Measure' SOP to separate small pieces.
- Creating a metal bending sim with soft constraints and plasticity.
- Using the 'RBD Material Fracture' SOP to create wood and glass pieces.
- Constraining active objects to animated static objects.
- Using the 'RBD Connected Faces' and the 'RBD Disconnected Faces' SOPs to render fractured glass.
- Bending metal with the 'RBD deform pieces' SOP.
- Configuring the 'RBD Bullet Solver' SOP.
Week 03
- Understanding and organizing an fbx animation.
- Creating a suspension system.
- Isolating simulated and non-simulated parts of a geometry.
- Using cone twist constraints for wheels and suspension.
- Dealing with planar geometry.
- Passing velocity and position from an animation to simulation geometry.
- Setting the collision ignore attribute.
Week 04
- Creating a tempered glass fracture effect.
- Using the 'Time Shift' and 'Time Blend' nodes to slow down animation.
- Setting various constraint properties.
- Using a VOP network to add noise to a velocity.
- Breaking and changing constraints during a simulation.
- Using the 'Transform Pieces' SOP to transfer animation to hi-res render geometry.
- Setting light shaders and textures.
- Rendering with Redshift.
Week 01
- Learn the basics of Vellum.
- Importing and prepping alembic and bgeo animations.
- Using the 'Solid Conform' and the 'Vellum Constraints' nodes to build tetrahedral constraints and geometry.
- Creating a vellum DOP network with the shelf tool.
- Creating cloth constraints.
- Using the 'Bend' SOP to update the rest position.
- Using the 'Vellum Rest Blend ' DOP.
- Creating stitch constraints between two vellum objects.
Week 02
- Creating geometry appropriate for vellum cloth sims.
- Using a T-Pose and the 'Blend Shapes' SOP to drape the cloth ready for the first frame.
- Using the 'Edge Fracture' SOP to create tears.
- Creating cloth constraints and setting some constraint properties.
- Using the 'Attach to Geometry' constraints.
- Welding the tear points.
- Using the vellum solver in the SOP context.
- Creating stiff areas of cloth.
Week 03
- Using the 'Sculpt' SOP.
- Setting all the cloth constraints again.
- Creating a 'Pin' group to follow the animation during the sim.
- Breaking constraints manually during the sim.
- Using the 'Vellum Post Process' SOP.
- Using the "Point Deform' SOP to transfer the animation to the render geometry.
Week 04
- Using the solver node to save data over time.
- Generating a grain source with the 'Vellum Configure Grains' SOP.
- Manually building a vellum DOP network.
- Understanding and adding noise to the 'Attraction Weight' attribute.
- Using and understanding the 'Upres Sand' shelf tool.
- Running a simple bullet sim.
- Setting Redshift materials and lights.
- Rendering with Redshift.
Week 01
- Overview of the workflow with shelf tools.
- Using Mixamo for motion capture data.
- Creating agent layers.
- Creating foot planting channels.
- Randomizing with crowd sourcing.
- Simple simulation.
- Randomizing textures.
- Render with Mantra.
Week 02
- Agent clip properties.
- More complex crowd source.
- Triggering with a bounding object.
- Transitions.
- Combining vellum and crowds.
- Style Sheets.
Week 03
- Basic ragdoll workflow with presets.
- Collision layers.
- Setting up and problem-solving joint constraints.
- Creating constraints between agents and other bullet objects.
- Multisolver DOP network.
- Using chops to add camera shake and flickering lights.
Week 04
- Combining crowd sims with other types of simulations.
- Creating terrain.
- Configuring object avoidance.
- Looking at different types of triggers.
- Painting density and normal attributes for agent sourcing.
- Using the POP curve force node to move ragdolls.